Neurodivergent Conditions Bill - Template Support Letter

If you support the Neurodivergent Conditions Screening and Teacher Training Bill, here is a template letter to help write to your local MP:

Dear [MP's name],

I hope this letter finds you well. As one of your constituents, I am writing to urge your support for Matt Hancock's Private Member's Bill, the Neurodivergent Conditions (Screening and Teacher Training) Bill. This Bill aims to ensure that every neurodivergent child is identified in primary school and receives the support they need and deserve to thrive at school and in later life.

The Neurodivergent Conditions Bill has already gathered cross-party support and seeks to introduce neurodivergent screening in all primary schools.  A vitally important point to note is that as opposed to just screening for one condition, this Bill seeks to ensure all neurodivergent conditions are screened for. As neurodivergent conditions commonly co-occur this is essential. Whether a child is showing traits commonly associated with dyslexia, autism, ADHD, dyscalculia or any other neurodivergent condition, the passing of this Bill will ensure complete learner profiles are understood and children properly supported. 

Presently, only 1 in 5 children currently leave school with their dyslexia identified. Further to that, current socio-economic statistics show that children in the upper classes of society are twice as likely to have their dyslexia identified by age 16 as those in the working classes.  And shockingly, children with identified Special Educational Needs (SEN) account for almost half (46.7 percent) of all permanent exclusions from school, while a government report found that more than four in ten (42 percent) UK prisoners had been permanently excluded from school.  Support and screening should be available to all children, regardless of class. This Bill looks to change these concerning statistics and support of it will enable all children to learn and reach their potential.

I urge you to support this Bill on behalf of all neurodivergent people in your constituency and ensure that it progresses through Parliament successfully.

Thanks for your attention to this and I look forward to receiving your response.

Kind regards,

[name and postcode]


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