All Aboard - The ADHD Blog

All Aboard - The ADHD Blog

Treating and Parenting ADHD with Professor Stephen Scott
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Treating and Parenting ADHD with Professor Stephen Scott

How can we best support our children with ADHD? In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD podcast, Claire is joined by expert guest Professor, Stephen Scott to discuss ADHD treatments and why parenting matters. Stephen is a Professor of Child Health and Behaviour at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King's College London, and the Director of the National Academy for Parenting Research. He is also a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital, where he specialises in ADHD and challenging behaviour. Claire and Stephen explore why proper assessment and treatment is so important for children with ADHD; the power of stimulant medication; and the importance of a holistic approach, including positive parenting.

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Emily Snape’s Parenting Story
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Emily Snape’s Parenting Story

In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD podcast, Claire is joined by Emily Snape - a mum to 3 children, one of whom has ADHD. Emily is a children's author and illustrator, working with young people celebrating and supporting their amazing, creative neurodivergent minds. Emily first noticed signs of her son struggling in Year 6, including challenges with friendships and taking SATs, culminating in him refusing to go to school. Emily shares her personal experiences as a parent of a child with ADHD, inspiring her wonderful book "My Amazing ADHD Brain."

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ADHD at The Olympic Games
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

ADHD at The Olympic Games

ADHD is a superpower. It gives boundless energy, intense focus – and the creativity to adapt at lightning speed. Maybe that’s why ADHD is a common thread among so many Olympians. Maybe it’s a competitive advantage – the superpower that unlocks the highest levels of competition. And not just in Olympic sports. Neurodiversity is a common thread that ties the highest performing athletes together, from footballers to swimmers to gymnasts. But why?

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Early Childhood Adversity and ADHD with Dr Mark Kennedy
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Early Childhood Adversity and ADHD with Dr Mark Kennedy

Why is there such a large disconnect between the research and practice with adopted children? In this episode of the All Aboard ADHD Podcast, Claire is joined by expert guest, Dr Mark Kennedy to discuss the link between early adversity and ADHD in adopted children. Dr Mark is a Senior Lecturer program lead and a researcher on the English and Romanian adoptees study at King's College London. His PhD focused on modern applications of attachment theory and his postdoctoral work has focused on the developmental outcomes of extreme early adversity, including ADHD, neurodevelopmental disorders, attachment, and mental health. 

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The ADHD Mother with Dr Tom Nicholson
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

The ADHD Mother with Dr Tom Nicholson

What does it mean to be a ‘good mum’ to a child with ADHD? In this All Aboard ADHD episode Claire is joined by Dr Tom Nicholson, to talk about the lived experiences of parents, particularly the mums of children with ADHD. Tom is a lecturer at Northumbria University, a neurodiversity and mental health specialist, and keynote speaker specialising in ADHD, mental health, neurodiversity, and neuroinclusion. Tom was diagnosed with ADHD at five years old, experienced an extremely traumatic educational journey due to the lack of awareness, and has since made it his mission to improve the knowledge and skills of as many people as possible so that no other child goes through what he did.

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Sarah Dixon’s Parenting Story
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Sarah Dixon’s Parenting Story

In this episode, Claire is joined by parent guest, Sarah Dixon. Sarah is a mother of two girls, aged 10 and 12, both of whom are dyslexic and have ADHD. Her husband has also been identified with ADHD. In this episode, Sarah shares her journey from the realisation her children thought differently, through the identification stage to where they are now.

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ADHD in Girls with Pippa Simou
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

ADHD in Girls with Pippa Simou

In this episode Claire is joined by psychologist and specialist ADHD coach Pippa Simou, to explore the surprising gender disparities for ADHD in girls in this episode of All Aboard ADHD. They discuss how challenging it can be to diagnose girls, to ensure they access the support they need, as girls tend to internalise symptoms (whilst boys tend to externalise them). Pippa shares some important insights on the unique challenges faced by teenage girls with ADHD, including the complex interplay between perfectionism, rejection, and exhaustion, plus some of the greater risks undiagnosed ADHD can cause.

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ADHD Superpowers with Soli Lazarus
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

ADHD Superpowers with Soli Lazarus

In this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire is joined by Soli Lazarus - former teacher and SENCO, parent of an ADHD child and author - to bust some myths around ADHD in children and share some of the incredible strengths our ADHD children possess. Claire and Soli discuss what we can do to better support and advocate for our children with ADHD to succeed in school and in life. Soli shares her belief that everyone from teachers to GPs, Judges to the police force, everyone needs training on what ADHD really is and that we should be 'loud and proud' about ADHD, to challenge the negative stereotypes and narratives.

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Georgina Fuller’s Parenting Story
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Georgina Fuller’s Parenting Story

In this episode of All Aboard ADHD, Claire is joined by Georgina Fuller - a freelance journalist, speaker, guest lecturer and mother of three, two of whom are neurodivergent. Georgina’s middle child is diagnosed with autism and ADHD, her eldest was diagnosed with ADHD last year and Georgina herself is self-diagnosed with ADHD, mainly through recognising all the patterns in two out of three of her children, as well as the genetic links to the traits of her late mother.

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Harnessing the Power of ADHD Coaching with Leane Maskell
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Harnessing the Power of ADHD Coaching with Leane Maskell

In this episode, Claire is joined by Leanne Maskell from ADHD Works to answer the all important question: What is ADHD coaching? They discuss what makes ADHD coaching different and the benefits coaching can bring for ADHDers - not least having space to speak to someone who gets it and allows you to unmask and be yourself.

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Universal ADHD Screening with Matt Hancock
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Universal ADHD Screening with Matt Hancock

In this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire is joined by The Rt Hon Matt Hancock, who has represented West Suffolk as Member of Parliament since 2010, to talk about his campaign for the early identification for neurodivergent conditions in schools. This episode was recorded the same day the Neurodivergent Screening and Teacher Training Bill was read and passed in parliament - a huge step forward in better supporting our children in schools, improving job prospects for the next generation, and reducing populations in young offenders institutes and prisons.

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Hannah Hampton’s Parenting Story
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Hannah Hampton’s Parenting Story

In this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire welcomes interior designer Hannah Hampton - mum to 3 daughters, 2 of whom have been diagnosed with ADHD. Hannah introduces us to two very different presentations of ADHD in her eldest and middle girls and some of their unique strengths, character traits and preferences.

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ADHD and Attachment with Dr Deba Choudhury-Peters
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

ADHD and Attachment with Dr Deba Choudhury-Peters

In this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire explores the link between ADHD and Attachment with expert guest Dr Deba Choudhury-Peters. How do attachment styles in babies and children affect their brains if they have ADHD? Even before diagnosis, early childhood experiences will shape their response to real or perceived threats. With the right understanding of what drives their children’s emotional responses, parents can give them the support they need to better tune into and regulate their emotions.

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ADHD in Schools with Sarah Templeton
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

ADHD in Schools with Sarah Templeton

How can we better support ADHD kids in schools? How do so many ADHD teens and young adults end up in prison? Why does one diagnosis seem to be the point at which things stop, when the co-occurring nature of neurodivergent differences is so high? All these questions and lots more are answered in this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire is joined by Sarah Templeton - ADHD author, accredited counsellor, coach and founder of Headstuff ADHD Therapy - the biggest ADHD counselling and coaching company in the UK.

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I’m a Microsoft Accessibility Champion
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

I’m a Microsoft Accessibility Champion

I’m incredibly proud to be one of Microsoft’s UK Accessibility Champions. In my collaboration with the Microsoft team, I discussed my son’s journey with Microsoft Learning Tools. I spoke about how the platform empowers him, and makes learning and living with dyslexia a little easier.

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Absolutely Mama - Interview
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Absolutely Mama - Interview

Mama-of-two Claire Quigley Ward has recently launched the new All Aboard ADHD podcast to help parents navigate the ADHD journey. Absolutely Mama chatted to her to find out more about how she’s building a supportive community for ADHD parents.

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Carrie Grant’s Parenting Story
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Carrie Grant’s Parenting Story

In this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire is joined by BAFTA award-winning Carrie Grant for a raw, honest and thoroughly inspiring introduction to her wonderfully diverse “multi-hyphenate” neurodiverse family. Carrie shares the highs and lows of parenting four children across their experiences of ADHD, PDA (pathological demand avoidance), DMDD (disruptive mood dysregulation disorder), Autism and Dyscalculia, but also the additional challenges they face, coming from mixed-race heritage and discovering diversity in terms of sexuality and gender too.

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Identifying ADHD with Professor Susan Young
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Identifying ADHD with Professor Susan Young

What is the ADHD Children’s Evaluation and what can it give parents who suspect their child has ADHD? In this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire is joined by Professor Susan Young to discuss the ACE assessment. Susan shares the real reason that it was developed and how it has quickly been adopted as a tool not just across the UK, but globally, and has also been expanded to include young people and adults.

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Join me as I engage with experts in ADHD and parents sharing their real-life lived experiences on the All Aboard ADHD podcast.

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All Aboard ADHD