All Aboard - The ADHD Blog

All Aboard - The ADHD Blog

What is ADHD? with Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

What is ADHD? with Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke

In this All Aboard ADHD podcast episode, Claire and Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke dive into the all-important question: what is ADHD? Professor Edmund - Professor of Developmental Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience at King's College London - sheds light on just how tricky that question can be to answer, due to the rapidly evolving research and narrative around the condition. He breaks down the medical definition, but clarifies also the emerging ‘neurodiversity' view of ADHD and crucially, how these two differ in their perspective.

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Grazia - Why I’m Happy My Son Has Been “Labelled” with ADHD
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Grazia - Why I’m Happy My Son Has Been “Labelled” with ADHD

Grazia chatted to Claire Quigley Ward host of All Aboard ADHD podcast about how we can raise awareness, increase understanding and encourage empathy - to help children regard themselves better and develop self-esteem. We can help them to be proud of their ADHD. Because if we can help them manage it, it really is a gift.

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Claire Quigley Ward’s Parenting Story
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Claire Quigley Ward’s Parenting Story

In this opening episode, host Claire Quigley Ward shares her ‘why’ for creating this All Aboard ADHD podcast: her own journey as a parent of an ADHD child, with some refreshingly honest insight about her experiences.

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The Misunderstood World of Sleep and Neurodiversity
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

The Misunderstood World of Sleep and Neurodiversity

Few people are aware of how sleep and neurodiversity are so closely related – but it all makes sense when you realise that sleep is all brain-controlled. Sleep issues are common among children with ADHD which can interfere with sleep quality and affect how long it takes to fall asleep.

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Bedtime Battles? Neurodivergent Kids and Sensory Sensitivity
Claire Quigley Ward Claire Quigley Ward

Bedtime Battles? Neurodivergent Kids and Sensory Sensitivity

ADHD is just one neurodivergence in a universe of possibilities. One of the biggest challenges we face as the parents of neurodivergent children is sensory sensitivity which, particularly at bedtime, can be a nightmare. Understand how it feels, and how to help.

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Join me as I engage with experts in ADHD and parents sharing their real-life lived experiences on the All Aboard ADHD podcast.

All Aboard ADHD

All Aboard ADHD